Explaining why Word capitalizes the first letter in reference initials and how to fix it.

Microsoft Word has certain defaults set up for grammar and spelling errors to help users correct their writing mistakes. Capitalizing the first letter is one of the things that Word has set to automatically do when you first type. You do not need to have one letter capitalized and the next lowercase in your reference initials. There are some ways you can fix the first letter in your initials to be lowercase. There are two ways I am going to demonstrate on how to make both letters of your initials to be lowercase.

First way:

 1. When you type your reference initial in Word, it tends to look like this picture below.

2. To change the reference initial to all lowercase letter, you need to first select the initials. Then, you will simultaneously click "shift" and "F3". It will automatically change the text selected to all lowercase letters.

Second Way:

1. When you type your reference initials at the bottom of your letter, it will look like this picture below. Word will automatically make the first letter typed uppercase.

2. To change the reference initials to all lowercase, you will first need to select the text you want to change. Once you highlight the text, go to the home tab and in the font group click the change case, which appears like "Aa". Click the drop down box, and click lowercase to make all the text selected in lowercase.

There are many other ways available in Word to change the capitalization of the first letter! However, these are just a couple of the ways that I found in word to fix these problems that are occurring. These two ways are easy and quick and will make the reference initials in the correct format.
